Saturday, 16 November 2013


               MY BETTER TOMORROW
The dawn chorus sings me up from bed,
Good morning say me to the world,
But that’s hard to come perfectly,
Cause I’m still in my last night,
Terrified by my perpetual nightmares,
Made more bitter by the status quo of my nation,
Socially, politically and economically,
Everyday Circumstances gets tougher,
While the playing ground gets rougher,
To get bread, one has to work harder than necessary,
But this morning, I woke up a little bit older than I was Yesterday,
A little bit healthier I guess,
But more confidently, a little bit hopeful than I’ve ever been.
This morning,
    I am more sober than the night before,
The fear of my nightmares,
Keeps me from being happy,
But the light of the rising sun gives me reason to smile,
I look up with hope as I await the product of today as it unfolds.
I know it’s easier to cry,
When it rains and there’s no place to hide,
When my only source of happiness drowns,
One thing keeps me going,
My hope as broad as the cloudless sky,
Faith is my only tool for survival,
With which I see my tomorrow crystal clear.
My yesterday was dirty and tears filled,
But I see a new tomorrow; I smell a sweet aroma and await a fresh breath.
My Saturday was unhappily dusty,
But I anticipate a joyful Sunday.
My last week was tearful and left me weak,
But this week, I shall smile for hope has made me strong.
I never knew the journey of life has its twist and turns,
As I journey through life, different things I see,
But I’m not bothered about tomorrow,
So I let thoughts of tomorrow marry itself,
As I try to survive today,
I rid myself of negative thoughts,
As I ride through the streets of difficulty,
I live for today and hope for tomorrow,
For my tomorrow shall come BIGGER, BRIGHTER and BETTER.
Oh how I eagerly await my better tomorrow.

Beautiful people, no matter how hard it gets, let’s keep hope alive.

Friday, 15 November 2013

I downloaded the controversial song that caused dispute between Wande coal and his boss Don jazzy, last night,
This morning I listened to them songs carefully and I would say Don jazzy deserves an open apology from Wande coal for stealing his intellectual property,it is crazy how good people are taking for granted every now and again, Don is a nice guy from all indications, but ive just realised that when you are too good you get heartbroken,Don is not just a boss to W.C,   He is his producer who gives him beats that catapults his carrier,so to release a song you know he already recorded is heart breaking, more so, doing it without due consultation, taking what belongs to someone without his or her consent or permission is stealing,im not a sycophant and im not related to either of them, im just delivering judgements based on facts, Don baba J deserves an apology, Wande should hasten up, swallow his pride and like the prodigal son go back to his source except he wants to go the D banjs way and the path leads no where but carrier killer avenue.

Don Jazzy - BABYFACE |
Wande Coal - Baby face || 
listen to the both songs

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Love is when you discomfort yourself to comfort a dying person,
Love is when you live a positive life in a negative world for the benefit of mankind.
Love is when you share your only bread with that hungry kid living next door,
wandering aimlessly-helplessly in the street near you.
Love is when the mass ends and you fill your empty seats with parishioners
going towards your direction.
Love is when you share your last penny with a neighbour who's got none.
Love is when you extend a helping hand to that helpless man living a life of regret
at the tick of every seconds,
Love sees no fault and bears no grudge,
Love shines when darkness engulfs the earth,
Love lives when every other thing dies,
Love is when you pay your nephew’s tuition fee,
Without raising an eyebrow,
Love is when you help elevate the sufferings of the people in your community,
Love is when the level of your alms giving goes beyond your blood-relatives,
Love should be like onion displaying different layers with every peel.

Should be shared equally among all,
Irrespective of ethnic, social ‘nd religious belief,
Love is when you kill filthy sentiments and give birth to unity.
Love should be prioritized in every deal.
Love should be allowed to taste the same to every man irrespective of social and political status,
Love shouldn’t be sold in the market same price as gas, if selling becomes an option.
Love shouldn;t be polarized,
But should be allowed to flow boundlessly like the Nile valley.


I tell you most solemnly
thinking about you
i need you to give me a million reasons to live
'cause i'm so into you.
this sweet truth,i tell you wholeheartedly
my heart aches for you.
The drum in my heart beats sweet melodious sound to the call of your name
thoughts of you feeds my hungry spirit,
these words are so true that it can set your emotions free,
i've never been in falsehood.
i need you like the sun needs the sky to shine
like the moon needs dark to shine light.